Floating as a business

Floating is not only a healthy, stress relief treatment, but it can be a beneficial service to the local community and a good business too.

Floating as a business can be an excellent additional service to some spas, day-spas, hotels, sport clubs, gyms, doctor’s practices and last but not least for float centers.

We have our own return of investment ROI business plan calculation (please send us a request in e-mail to receive it) ready to help your business decision and to help to compare the size of your investment and the ROI times (only appr. few weeks ROI difference can be calculated by the price between the float tank manufacturers) when you choose us or other manufacturer. This is a one-time investment into the hygiene and design (as we say: into the premium and future of floating) which will not effect significantly your ROI time (+4-8 weeks), but can be beneficial and a selling point for you for many years and can be greatly appreciated by your satisfied floating guests.

Pricing of a float session

The price of a floating session depends on many things (country, region, quality level of the location, purchasing power of the customers, utility cost, competition, etc.), but there is a rough estimate which is valid in many countries of the world. The price of a 60 minutes floating session is at least the price of 1 hour quality massage. In Europe, it is approx. 30-80 Euro, in North America approx. 40-80 USD. You are free to define and decide the price of the float session in your float center. Many float centers offer automatically renewable monthly memberships for their customers on a reduced float session price. Please note, the Float Spa Premium Floating System is the Premium of floating in hygiene and design, so it gives you a competitive and quality advantage and when you educate, inform your customers about the hygiene and technical advantages of the Float Spa Premium Floating System (water reservoir tank, 4+1 steps water cleaning system, etc. as it is written above), you do not need to compete with the possible lower float session prices of lower quality and lower hygiene level float units. The hygiene level and the water quality is a key factor in the floating business. That is why it is very important to keep our maintenance and operational instructions.

Most of the float centers have a relatively high single session list price (50-70 Euro, 50-60 GBP, 50-80 USD) and a discounted membership price for multiply sessions.

Cost per floating session

The cost of a floating session regarding the filters and chemicals is quite low, thanks to the energy efficient operation and long life filters of the Float Spa Premium Floating Systems. The cost of 1 Float Spa Premium floating session is appr. 2-4 Euro (2-5 USD) regarding the filter cost, but of course you may have other expenses too (like rent, bank loan, labour-, marketing-, utility cost, taxes, etc.). The recommended filter changing period is 200 floating sessions.


The return of investment time (ROI) is very impressive when you have 3-4 floaters/day/unit and you charge them appr. 30-70 Euro / 60 minutes floating session (depending on the location/country). The cost of 1 Float Spa Premium floating session is appr. 2-4 Euro (2-5 USD) regarding the filter cost, but of course you may have other expenses too (like rent, bank loan, labour-, marketing-, utility cost, taxes, etc.).

We have our own very detailed return of investment ROI business plan calculation (please send us a request in e-mail to receive it) ready to help your business decision and to help to compare the size of your investment and the ROI times when you choose us or other manufacturers. You can put into our ROI calculation your average price of a float session, the cost of a float session, session number/day, monthly rent, bank payment, wages, utility cost,… To choose a premium product is a one time investment into the hygiene and design (as we say: into the premium and future of floating) which will not effect badly your ROI time, but can be beneficial and a selling point for you for many years and can be greatly appreciated by your satisfied floating guests. The difference of the ROI time of a simple non self draining float pod vs. our Float Spa Premium Floating Pod System is only cca. 2-6 weeks and then you can have the premium of floating in hygiene and design for many years! (Even our first float tanks are still operating since 2010). Please check our list of international references.

Space requirement

The minimal size of the cabin’s room is cca 14-16m².

The minimal size of the technical room is cca 3-4m².

For the delivery and installation a size of minimum 80 cm free doorway width (90 cm is better) and 205 cm doorway height needed with a sufficient corridor size and height.

The treatment room and the technical room can be simply separated with a sliding door. The technical unit does not create any noise during the floating session.