Converting between file formats¶

The tab-delimited tables are commonly referred to as the classic format tables, while BIOM formatted tables are referred to as biom tables .

General usage examples¶

Convert a tab-delimited table to sparse biom format. Note that you must specify the type of table here: -i table.txt -o table.from_txt.biom --biom_table_type="otu table"

Convert a tab-delimited table to dense biom format: -i table.txt -o table.dense.biom --biom_table_type="otu table" --biom_type=dense

Convert biom format to tab-delimited table format: -i table.biom -o table.from_biom.txt -b

Convert dense biom format to sparse biom format: -i table.dense.biom -o table.sparse.biom --dense_biom_to_sparse_biom

Convert sparse biom format to dense biom format: -i table.sparse.biom -o table.dense.biom --sparse_biom_to_dense_biom

Convert biom format to classic format, including the taxonomy observation metadata as the last column of the classic format table. Because the BIOM format can support an arbitrary number of observation (or sample) metadata entries, and the classic format can support only a single observation metadata entry, you must specify which of the observation metadata entries you want to include in the output table: -i table.biom -o table.from_biom_w_taxonomy.txt -b --header_key taxonomy

Convert biom format to classic format, including the taxonomy observation metadata as the last column of the classic format table, but renaming that column as ConsensusLineage . This is useful when using legacy tools that require a specific name for the observation metadata column.: -i table.biom -o table.from_biom_w_consensuslineage.txt -b --header_key taxonomy --output_metadata_id "ConsensusLineage"

Special case usage examples¶

Converting QIIME 1.4.0 and earlier OTU tables to BIOM format¶

If you are converting a QIIME 1.4.0 or earlier OTU table to BIOM format, there are a few steps to go through. First, for convenience, you might want to rename the ConsensusLineage column taxonomy . You can do this with the following command:

sed 's/Consensus Lineage/ConsensusLineage/' < otu_table.txt | sed 's/ConsensusLineage/taxonomy/' >otu_table.taxonomy.txt

Then, you’ll want to perform the conversion including a step to convert the taxonomy string from the classic OTU table to a taxonomy list , as it’s represented in QIIME 1.4.0-dev and later: -i otu_table.taxonomy.txt -o otu_table.from_txt.biom --biom_table_type="otu table" --process_obs_metadata taxonomy