Health and Safety Policy

The University of Connecticut is committed to providing a safe and healthful environment for all activities under the jurisdiction of the University. Accordingly, the University has developed this top level over-arching health and safety policy to outline responsibilities and establish the framework of compliance with all applicable Federal, State and local regulations and University policies and procedures pertaining to worker safety and public health.* Compliance with this policy along with subordinate health and safety policies, programs and procedures linked at the end of this policy document is mandatory.


This policy applies to all faculty, staff, students, researchers, and all other individuals working at the University of Connecticut Storrs, regional campuses and the Law School.


The health and safety of all faculty, staff, students and visitors shall be a principal consideration in the planning and conduct of all University activities and programs, and in the design, construction, modification, or renovation of all University buildings and facilities.

This broad policy requires that health and safety regulations of Federal, State and local authorities, appropriate consensus standards of recognized organizations, and University specific policies are met.


Violations of this policy including, subordinate health and safety policies, programs or procedures may result in disciplinary measures in accordance with University Laws and By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the University of Connecticut Student Code.



Individuals – Safety is the responsibility of each and every person at the University of Connecticut. All members of the University community are individually and collectively the owners of safety and share the responsibility to provide and maintain a safe environment. Each individual is expected to comply with health and safety regulations and University policies, programs and procedures; perform work in a safe and sensible manner and to act to ensure the health and safety of self, coworkers, fellow students and all others at the University.

Individuals working for the University (employees) are required within five days of employment, transfer or job change to discuss potential hazards that they may encounter during the course of their employment with their supervisor. That discussion shall include identification of workplace hazards along with required controls, personal protective equipment (PPE) and requisite safety training. Completion and submission of an employee specific Employee Safety Training Assessment defines required safety training. Individuals are responsible to comply with defined controls, wear the appropriate PPE and attend requisite safety training in a timely manner.

Principal Investigators/Unit Managers – All personnel who assign and/or oversee work are responsible to ensure that compliant work controls and procedures consistent with Federal, State and local regulations and University policies are implemented to provide for the protection of all personnel and to safeguard the environment. PIs/Unit Managers in consultation with EHS shall respond in a timely manner to address safety complaints, non-compliances and mitigate potentially unsafe conditions. PIs/Unit Managers should set, by example, high standards for health and safety. These standards must be consistently applied and appropriate action taken when personnel fail to meet them.

PIs/Unit Managers (supervisors) are responsible to identify hazards in the work environment along with required controls and PPE using the Workplace Hazard Assessment (WHA) form. The WHA must be kept current and reviewed regularly.

The WHA and the ESTA are generic tools that must be used by the PI/Unit Manager (or designee) to document review of hazards in the workplace along with appropriate controls, PPE and safety training. The ESTA must be completed with the employee within five days of their arrival, transfer or job change. Failure to complete an ESTA or to ensure that employees attend the required training may result in disciplinary action.

Deans, Directors, and Department Heads – Each Dean, Director, and Department Head is charged to ensure organizational compliance with regulations and University policies and with maintaining a healthful and safe environment for all personnel. They are expected to take appropriate action to ensure all identified hazards are addressed and identified issues of non-compliance corrected in a timely manner.

Updates are requested from each Dean, Department Head and Director to the Building and Emergency Contact Listing (BEC List) to ensure the timely and effective communication of information to assigned contacts within each building, regarding emergencies, incidents, projects, and other activities that may impact the health and safety of building occupants.

The Department of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) – EHS is charged by the University with implementing all University health and safety policies and procedures* in the Biological, Chemical, Occupational, Public Health, Environmental, and Radiation health and safety fields. EHS has been authorized by, and is accountable to, the University President and Senior University Management to identify, assess and enforce this Health and Safety policy and subordinate health and safety regulations, policies, and procedures.

EHS is responsible for maintaining a comprehensive program that combines training, consultation, control, and inspection to protect the health and safety of all personnel in the course of University sanctioned activities. EHS staff provides professional services to measure and evaluate hazards to which the University community may be exposed and ensure compliance with regulations and University policies. EHS’s responsibilities include:

* Matters pertaining to public safety, fire safety, and building code compliance, are addressed by other units within the Division of University Safety.

Administrative Oversight – The Associate Vice President of University Safety and the Director of EHS review and approve health and safety policies for the University on behalf of the President and Board of Trustees. The Associate Vice President of University Safety is the responsible Senior University Manager for EHS and oversees the implementation of these policies.


Environmental Health and Safety Committee

The Environmental Health and Safety Committee has a diverse membership appointed by the Associate Vice President of University Safety. Members represent the administration, faculty, and staff along with collective bargaining units, and students. The Committee meets quarterly, as mandated by CT General Statute 31-40v, “Establishment of Safety and Health Committees by Certain Employers,” to fulfill its functions and responsibilities. The committee is charged with but not limited to establishing procedures for sharing ideas with the employer concerning:

  1. Safety inspections;
  2. Investigating safety incidents, accidents, illnesses, and deaths;
  3. Evaluating accident and illness prevention programs;
  4. Establishing training programs for the identification and reduction of hazards in the workplace which damage the reproductive system of employees; and
  5. Establishing training programs to assist committee members in understanding and identifying the effects of employee substance abuse on workplace accidents and safety.

Focused Subject Matter Safety Committees

A number of safety committees reporting to the Vice President of Research have been established that address aspects of health and safety specific to research activities or focused subject matter. These committees serve as advisory boards and research protocol review boards working in partnership with EHS to fulfill University goals. Committee and subject matter information is linked below.


The University Health and Safety Policy is implemented through a series of policies, programs, procedures and other documents, as appropriate to the operations of UConn. These documents have been developed by EHS in response to regulatory requirements and/or University committee decisions. These items, listed below, are mandatory in nature, and must be followed to ensure compliance. They can also be found on the EHS website at:


Policy created: 10/14/2014 (Approved by Senior Policy Council)
Revisions: 03/10/2023 (Approved by Senior Policy Council 04/26/2023)