The Path Planning of Mobile Robot by Neural Networks and Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning

Yuancheng Su

Jinglun Yu * Yuancheng Su Yifan Liao

Existing mobile robots cannot complete some functions. To solve these problems, which include autonomous learning in path planning, the slow convergence of path planning, and planned paths that are not smooth, it is possible to utilize neural networks to enable to the robot to perceive the environment and perform feature extraction, which enables them to have a fitness of environment to state action function. By mapping the current state of these actions through Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning (HRL), the needs of mobile robots are met. It is possible to construct a path planning model for mobile robots based on neural networks and HRL. In this article, the proposed algorithm is compared with different algorithms in path planning. It underwent a performance evaluation to obtain an optimal learning algorithm system. The optimal algorithm system was tested in different environments and scenarios to obtain optimal learning conditions, thereby verifying the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG), a path planning algorithm for mobile robots based on neural networks and hierarchical reinforcement learning, performed better in all aspects than other algorithms. Specifically, when compared with Double Deep Q-Learning (DDQN), DDPG has a shorter path planning time and a reduced number of path steps. When introducing an influence value, this algorithm shortens the convergence time by 91% compared with the Q-learning algorithm and improves the smoothness of the planned path by 79%. The algorithm has a good generalization effect in different scenarios. These results have significance for research on guiding, the precise positioning, and path planning of mobile robots.


Mobile robot autonomous navigation can be divided into three subsystems: information perception, behavior decision-making, and manipulation control. Path planning is the basis of mobile robot navigation and control (Ghosh et al., 2017; Orozco-Rosas et al., 2019). The goal of mobile robot path planning is to find a path from the current position to the target position. The path should be as short as possible, the smoothness of the path should meet the dynamics of the mobile robot, and the safety of the path should be collision-free (Han and Seo, 2017).

Depending on how much information is known about the environment in the path planning process, path planning can be divided into global path planning and local path planning (Li and Chou, 2018). There are many methods of path planning. According to specific algorithms and strategies, path planning algorithms can be roughly divided into four types: template matching, artificial potential field, map construction, and artificial intelligence (Zhao et al., 2018). Each type of path planning algorithm has an optimal application scenario and limitations. The current path planning of mobile robots relies heavily on the surrounding environment. In addition to the limitations of traditional path planning, robots cannot complete their learning and judgment in complex environments, a bottleneck in the development of research in this field (Bakdi et al., 2017). It is therefore particularly important to develop a path planning method with low reliance on the environment, which can quickly adapt to the surrounding environment.

The Deep Q-Learning Network (DQN) is a way of modeling the environment and calculating the collision energy function, which is the main cause of a loss in functionality (Ohnishi et al., 2019). To realize the path planning process, the neural network is trained to minimize the loss function through the gradient descent method. To enable better generalization ability in the neural network, various sample data are needed for learning and training, however, an over large data sample will increase the training time (Shen et al., 2019a; Sung et al., 2020).

Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL), as an important machine learning method, has received more attention and there are increasing applications of it in robot path planning DRL (Arulkumaran et al., 2017). The agent obtains knowledge through the exploration of an environment and learns using a process of trial and error. The DRL method has obvious advantages in path planning and requires less prior information about the environment (Wulfmeier et al., 2017; Zheng and Liu, 2020).

Unlike the supervised learning method, reinforcement learning does not require much sample data for training, like neural network methods, and acquires sample data during the training process. In recent years, scholars have focused on using new algorithms or fusion algorithms to improve the performance of mobile robots (Yan and Xu, 2018). Lei et al. found that adding the Q-Learning algorithm to the reinforcement learning path enhances the ability of robots to dynamically avoid obstacles and local planning in the environment (Lei et al., 2018; Liu et al., 2019). Wang et al. found that compared with Distributed DQN (DDQN) algorithm, the Tree Double Deep Network (TDDQN) has the advantages of fast convergence speed and low loss (Wang P. et al., 2020). By using a neural network to strengthen the learning path planning system, Wen et al. suggested that the mobile robot can be navigated to a target position without colliding with any obstacles and other mobile robots, and this method was successfully applied to the physical robot platform (Wen et al., 2020). Botteghi et al. introduced a reward function training strategy in the fusion algorithm, which not only outperformed the standard reward function in terms of convergence speed but also reduced the number of collisions by 36.9% of iteration steps (Shen et al., 2019b; Botteghi et al., 2020). Therefore, the fusion algorithm has obvious advantages in path planning and algorithm performance. However, the path planning performance of current fusion algorithms is not outstanding.

Taking into account the shortcomings of these research results, we designed a mobile robot path planning system based on neural networks and hierarchical reinforcement learning. Through neural networks, this system perceives the environment and performs feature extraction to realize the fitting from the environment to the state action function (Chen, 2018). The mapping of the current state to the action of the hierarchical reinforcement learning is satisfied through the enhancement function, thereby realizing the demand for mobile robots. Theoretically, the organic combination of the two can improve the performance of mobile robots in path planning. Therefore, in this study, the algorithm was embedded into a mobile robot, and the designed algorithm was verified by comparing it with other path planning algorithms in different environments and scenarios. The initial Q-value of the proposed algorithm sped up the convergence speed, redefined the number of states, as well as the direction of motion, and step length. The real-time performance of the mobile robot's path planning and smoothness was significantly improved, and could be used to guide robot movement, and improve algorithm mobility (Liu and Wang, 2019).


Mobile Robot Path Planning Model

The path planning task explored in this study is based on a two-wheel differential mobile robot. The robot can control the speed of its two driving wheels to achieve arbitrary trajectory movements such as linear movement, turning, and turning around in circles. Figure 1 shows the pose of the robot at adjacent time intervals, based on which kinematic model is established.