Grading and Required Standards

Columbia University School of Nursing uses letter grading for all courses. Grades in non-clinical courses at Columbia Nursing are A+ to C- and F. Grades for clinical courses are as follows:

All students must maintain a cumulative grade point average of B or better (> 3.0). A student is not in good academic standing if they have a:

Students not in good academic standing are not meeting SAP, and are reviewed by the Committee on Admission (see Academic Review and Probation section.)

Student meets the overall basic requirements for the anticipated level of training. The student is able to function in a safe and competent manner.

Performance deficient but meets minimal clinical performance standards and the student is placed on an academic warning.

Student's overall performance is below anticipated level of training. Students are not able to progress in a program with a grade of F in a clinical course.

Conversion Table for Letter to Numeric Grade

Letter Grade


Points in Range

Numeric Equivalent

Grade of Pass (P) in Clinical Course

A P grade is given when a student meets the overall basic requirements for the anticipated level of training. The student is able to function in a safe and competent manner.

Grade of Low Pass in Clinical Course

A Low Pass (LP) is given when the student’s performance is deficient, but meets the minimal clinical performance standards. A Low Pass grade is not included in calculating grade point average.

Grade of F (Failure) in Clinical Course

Student's overall performance is below anticipated level of training. A grade of F is included in calculating grade point average. Students are not able to progress in a program with a grade of F in a clinical course and are dismissed.

Grade of F (Failure) in Non-Clinical Course

A student will receive an F in any course in which the student fails to pass the course standards as described by the instructor and stated in the syllabus. A grade of F is included in calculating grade point average. In order to repeat the course graded as F, the student must re-register for the course. A grade of F remains on the student’s official transcript even if the course is later repeated.

Grade of UW (Unofficial Withdrawal)

Students who do not officially drop a course and who have not completed enough substantive work to receive a grade in the course will be graded UW. However, for students who have not officially dropped a course, but who have completed substantive work, the outstanding requirements may be graded as a zero or an F and averaged into the final course grade. A student who wants to withdraw from a course is responsible for completing the paperwork necessary to avoid receiving a UW. A grade of UW is not included in calculating grade point average. In order to repeat the course graded as UW, the student must re-register for the course. A grade of UW remains on the student’s official transcript even if the course is later repeated.

Grade of INC (Incomplete)

If a student is unable to complete course work due to extenuating circumstances, they may request a grade of incomplete from their appropriate course instructor. Extenuating circumstances may include unforeseeable serious illness, serious family emergency, or circumstances of comparable gravity. Requests for an Incomplete grade must be made in writing to the instructor, detailing the circumstances and including plans for course completion. It is at the discretion of the faculty member to grant an Incomplete grade. If an Incomplete grade is permitted, the faculty member will set a date of expected course completion. Students granted an incomplete grade will receive an INC grade on their transcript. Students with an INC grade in a specialty course cannot continue in further specialty courses until their INC grade is resolved. Course requirements must be completed within three terms during which original registration took place. Failure to complete course requirements will result in a grade of UW for the course(s) and the course(s) must be repeated to obtain credit. Students cannot graduate with a grade of INC on their transcript.

Grade of CP (Credit Pending)

Grades of CP are given when a student has not fulfilled all course requirements and cannot yet be graded. This grade is only given when the student is expected to fulfill course requirements soon. Once course requirements are completed, the CP grade will be changed to a letter grade by the instructor. If a student received a grade of CP in a specialty course, they cannot continue in further specialty courses until their CP grade has been resolved. Students cannot graduate with a grade of CP on their transcripts.

P/F Grading (Pass/Fail)

Zero credit courses that students must complete to progress in the program will be graded as P/F Grading. In general, students may only take a for credit course as P/F Grading if the course is not required for the student’s specialty or degree. Some nursing courses are designated as P/F Grading by the school, in which case these courses will count towards student’s degrees.

How to Calculate Your GPA

  1. Convert each grade into its numeric equivalent. Example: B grade = 3.0
  2. Multiply each class grade by the number of credits earned. Example: 3.0 (B grade) x 3.0 (# of credits) = 94.0 (A grade) x 4.0 (# of credits) = 16
  3. Divide your total number by the total credits attempted. This is your GPA. Example: 25(total number) / 7(total attempted credits) = 3.57 GPA

DNP Residency/ Intensive Grading Policy

All DNP students are provided a timeline to complete competency requirements. When the student completes the requirements, the student will obtain a P/F grade. If the student does not complete requirements by the end of the semester, the student will receive a CP grade. Once a student completes the practicum hours and submits their completed portfolio, the CP will be changed to a grade of PASS.

In the case in which the student does not submit cases during the semester and/or is not communicating with the portfolio advisor and the program director via the Columbia University student email, the student will receive a U/W (unofficial withdrawal from the course) at the end of the semester and will need to re-register for the course. This grading policy remains in place until the student completes all of the requirements of the Intensive. In any of the following semesters, if the student does not submit cases, the student will receive the grade of F for the course. An F in a clinical course will be reviewed by COA and, per CUSON policy, the student will be dismissed.

Grade of Pass (P) in DNP Residency/ Intensive

A P grade is given when a DNP residency/ intensive student has completed all requirements for the portfolio, and the portfolio has been reviewed and accepted.

Grade of Low Pass in DNP Residency/ Intensive

A Low Pass grade is given when a DNP residency/ intensive student consistently lacks responsiveness to reviewer comments.

Grade of Credit Pending (CP) in DNP Residency/ Intensive

A CP grade is given when a DNP residency/ intensive student is making appropriate progress, but the portfolio requirement is not yet complete.

Grade of Unofficial Withdrawal (UW) in DNP Residency/ Intensive

A UW grade is given when a DNP residency/ intensive student is not submitting cases; not communicating with advisor, Residency Director.

Policy on Anonymous Grading by TA’s

To ensure unbiased grading, the School of Nursing has adopted a policy of using anonymous grading in all subjective assignments and examinations. This can be accomplished through de-identification mechanisms on subjective exams in ExamSoft and moderated and/or anonymous grading in Canvas. All final grades are determined by the course instructor.