Brexit guidance for stakeholders hpra


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HSE Library | Health Service Executive | Dr Steevens’ Hospital, Dublin 8 | Republic of Ireland | Eircode: D08 W2A8 | Tel: 0818-100-900

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Export search results

The export option will allow you to export the current search results of the entered query to a file. Different formats are available for download. To export the items, click on the button corresponding with the preferred download format.

By default, clicking on the export buttons will result in a download of the allowed maximum amount of items.

To select a subset of the search results, click "Selective Export" button and make a selection of the items you want to export. The amount of items that can be exported at once is similarly restricted as the full export.

After making a selection, click one of the export format buttons. The amount of items that will be exported is indicated in the bubble next to export format.